About Us



If you are considering an instrument approach procedure to enhance your all-weather flight capabilities, or perhaps a network of IFR procedures for a comprehensive helicopter airspace system, then we’d like to talk to you! Specific technical services for the development of IFR procedures will be essential to your success. Those services can best be provided by a company whose people have proven experience. A company you can trust. A company with a history of not only technical expertise in the development of IFR infrastructures, but also an unsurpassed record for implementing innovative solutions, and securing FAA approval to tailor those IFR solutions to your unique operational requirements.

Hickok & associates fills all of those expectations with the industry’s leaders: Visionaries during the formative years of GPS use as a navigational signal-in-space. Managers who FAA trusted for the development of helicopter IFR/GPS criteria and policy. Originators who identified the all-encompassing services critical to taking that criteria and policy, and wrote the book used today by the FAA and industry alike for the successful development of helicopter RNAV/GPS procedures throughout the United States. Savvy professionals experienced at transferring successful practices to meet CAA regulations and use by operators around the globe.

Every project, every customer, and every site deserves the personal attention only the most experienced and qualified people can provide. This includes new and innovative solutions wherever necessary to best serve your IFR needs and expectations. Hickok & associates has the all-encompassing experience and unique capability to provide the results you expect.